Tekken Community Chaos: The Disconnect Dilemma

Discover the hilarious chaos of Tekken community disconnects in this wild Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is in an uproar over rampant disconnects in quick matches, sparking laughter and frustration among players. One user reflects on how the issue seems worse in Tekken 8 than in Tekken 7, leading to a mix of disbelief and amusement.


  • Disconnects in Tekken 8 have reached an all-time high, causing uproar.
  • Players are resorting to rage quitting in quick matches, leading to absurd situations.
  • The community is divided between frustration and comedic disbelief.
  • Some players find the situation so dire, they joke about it as a knee-jerk reaction.

Player Reactions

Player dnz_191 jokes, “Now you know how he got there.” Mozgodrobil calls out the disconnecter, labeling them as a coward. Basednike hints at the disconnect being the reason for an impressive victory streak. No-Departure-3325 humorously imagines the disconnecter’s realizations in-game. The community is split between calling out the behavior and finding humor in the chaos.

Community Thoughts

Player Lithium43 simply comments, “sick Xiaoyu,” focusing on the character rather than the disconnect. KingVengeance1990 expresses frustration at the prevalence of disconnects, opting for friend matches instead. Rafael-57 laughs it off as muscle memory, hinting at the normalized behavior. TablePrinterDoor comments on the prevalence of rage quitting even among top players.

Player Kyingmeat recounts a suspicious encounter with a known disconnecter, highlighting the issue’s impact on quick matches. SSHz reflects on disconnecting becoming a reflex action for some players. Blackmanfromalaska playfully jests at the disconnecter’s character choice, contributing to the lighthearted banter within the community.

The Tekken community’s response to disconnects showcases a blend of frustration and amusement, highlighting the chaotic nature of online play. With disconnects becoming a common occurrence, players navigate a mix of annoyance and comedic relief, shaping the community’s dynamic in unexpected ways.