Tekken 8 Controversy: Pros Want T7 Vibes Back – Reddit Discussions

Tekken 8 is provoking strong reactions among gamers. Dive into the heated debate on whether it should go back to T7 mechanics!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken 8 has set the gaming community abuzz with contrasting opinions on the game’s direction. The Reddit post delves into how pro players are pushing for a return to the ‘Tekken 7’ era…


  • The debate centers on the gameplay dynamics, with advocates of Tekken 7 mechanics clashing with those embracing Tekken 8’s innovations.
  • Players express concerns over the balance between aggression and defensive strategies, highlighting the need for more diverse gameplay elements.
  • Some find Tekken 8 restrictive compared to the flexibility of Tekken 7, especially regarding character moves and combo potential.

Pro Players’ Standpoints

The gaming community echoes mixed sentiments regarding Tekken 8’s gameplay changes. While some yearn for the strategic depth of ‘Tekken 7,’ others appreciate the fresh approach brought by the latest installment…

Community Insights

Several users argue that Tekken 8 leans heavily towards forced mix-up scenarios, detracting from the core essence of Tekken’s intricate movement mechanics. The prevalence of ‘forced guessing’ elements raises concerns among both pros and casual players…

Counter-arguments and Reservations

Contrary viewpoints highlight the importance of adapting to game updates and finding new strategies. Some players acknowledge initial struggles in Tekken 8 but emphasize the potential for evolving tactics and gameplay styles…

The ongoing discourse surrounding Tekken 8 showcases the passionate engagement of the gaming community in shaping the future of this iconic franchise. Whether advocating for a return to Tekken 7’s gameplay dynamics or embracing Tekken 8’s innovations, players continue to voice their opinions on the evolution of the series.