Tekken 7: Things to Say When Luck Isn’t on Your Side

Discover the hilarious reactions Tekken players have when faced with bad luck in matches!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fast-paced world of Tekken, victory isn’t always guaranteed. Players have shared their colorful responses when luck doesn’t go their way.


  • Players react in a mix of frustration and humor when things go wrong.
  • Expressions range from disbelief to constructive self-criticism.
  • Some responses show a good sport attitude while others are more colorful.
  • Overall, the community showcases a fun and diverse way of handling in-game setbacks.

Mindless Frustration and Constructive Reflection

When faced with losses, players express a mix of frustration and self-reflection. Some respond with humorous quips like “He only won because I lost,” showing a good-natured acceptance of defeat.

Colorful Language and Reactions

Expressions like “Nnnngggrrraaaaaah” and “FUCCCKKKKKK” depict players’ visceral reactions to unfavorable outcomes, highlighting the emotional intensity of competitive gaming.

Humor and Resilience

Despite setbacks, players maintain a sense of humor, with responses like “‘Sweet Christ’ is my usual go-to” showcasing a lighthearted approach to handling in-game frustrations.

The Tekken community’s diverse responses to adversity highlight the amusing and multifaceted ways players cope with challenging moments in the game.