Tekken 7 DLC Drama: Fans Unhappy with Paid Recycled Outfits

Tekken fans are voicing frustration over paid recycled outfits from Tekken 7. Is the company pushing it too far?

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, the Tekken community has been buzzing with discontent about the paid recycled outfits from Tekken 7. A Reddit post titled ‘pay 5 dollars for Paul’s outfit from t7 lmao…. they’re just gonna keep recycling shit from t7 and charge for it at this point’ sparked a heated discussion among fans.


  • Players feel frustrated over paying for recycled content from Tekken 7.
  • Gender-locked items also drew criticism for limiting customization options.
  • There is a perception of missed opportunities for free content updates.

Players’ Frustrations

One user expressed disappointment, ‘Why is this shit gender locked too man, like come the f*** on. Whose idea was that?’ Another player felt let down by the lack of additional free content, stating, ‘Yes, I was expecting this, but I also thought they would add more free stuff over time, such a missed opportunity.’

Community Backlash

Many fans believe that the company is resorting to selling recycled content instead of delivering new and exciting updates. ‘All these companies eventually sell out and become the thing they hate,’ remarked one user.

Consumer Perception

Some players highlight the pricing strategy, questioning the company’s motives behind selling additional content. ‘It’s 5 BUCKS, you already bought the game for 70$-100$; why are you trying to grab more for?’ expressed a frustrated fan.

Amidst the discontent, players are also drawing comparisons with other in-game purchases and urging fellow players not to fall into the microtransaction trap.