Tekken 7 – Beating the MainMan: A Triumph in the Arena

Tekken 7 enthusiasts share their tales of triumph and community spirit in the fighting game arena.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Tekken 7 player shares a heartwarming story about learning from a top player and eventually beating him, showcasing growth and dedication in the community. That’s the beauty of the fighting game scene!


  • Learning from the best and then surpassing them is a common theme in the Tekken community, fostering growth and camaraderie.
  • Players like MainMan can inspire others to improve and achieve great feats in the game.
  • Community support and recognition of achievements create a positive atmosphere in the Tekken community.


Nice one, and also that he respected you, kudos. – dvenom88


Yooo the gwd tech with the df11 blocked into jet or f3 is nice that shit hits consistently. Gwd’s Bryan videos are so helpful. – SuperUltraMegaNice


Will you shut up hella scrupman (insert big ass explosion). – Amazing_Horse_5832


That’s so cool you get to match with him. This motivates me to get to gold rank. – PomponOrsay


That was slick. Good match. – ErraticSeven


I know the feeling OP. Back when arcades were still a thing, I was 30-streaked by a Tekken pro player and just kept plugging in my quarters until I finally got one win on him. Fast forward some years later and I was good enough to beat him in local tournies. You appreciate your accomplishment knowing how much practice it takes to get there. – joeb1ow


Shit on TTM = Gain street cred in this sub. – rainorshinedogs


Nice work, David. I watched this live and it was super impressive. TMM is a great player and to beat him with a character he knows quite well is just incredible. – nobleflame


Wow, and he didn’t even trash talk you like he does most of the time. – numlock86


Did he rage? – No-Brain-895