Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Why Am I Getting 4th with the Best 5 Stars?

Discover why TFT players often end up in 4th place despite having powerful 5-star units.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are puzzled by their 4th place finishes even with formidable 5-star units. Let’s dive into possible reasons behind this dilemma.


  • Team composition and itemization play crucial roles in TFT outcomes.
  • Positioning and augment choices significantly impact gameplay.
  • Having a strong frontline and balanced team is vital for success in TFT.

Critical Factors of 4th Place

Many factors can lead to a 4th place finish in TFT, such as ineffective itemization, poor positioning, and lacking a solid frontline. Players often overlook the importance of team balance and strategy, leading to unexpected placements.

User Insights on TFT Gameplay

Commenters pointed out the significance of having a good tank in the team to protect carries and the importance of optimal positioning to gain a strategic advantage. Augments, items, and champion synergy are crucial elements that determine success in TFT.

Itemization and Strategy Matters

In TFT, having the best 5-stars isn’t always a guarantee of victory. Effective itemization, positioning, and team composition are key factors in achieving higher placements. Understanding these nuances can significantly impact gameplay and results.

Categories TFT