Team Fight Tactics (TFT): This Edge of Night Augment Controversy Explained

Is the Edge of Night augment in TFT really as broken as players claim? Let's dive into the debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are buzzing about the controversial Edge of Night augment. Let’s see what the fuss is all about!


  • Players divided on Edge of Night’s power
  • Some call for nerfs, others defend its utility
  • Newcomers seek guidance on using the augment
  • Disagreements over its dominance in matches

Edge of Night’s Charm

The Edge of Night augment has become a hot topic in TFT circles, with debates raging over its impact on gameplay. While some laud its effectiveness, others question its balance and potency, sparking a lively discourse among players.

The Nerf Call

Amidst the fervor, calls for a ‘Mort-please-nerf’ chant have emerged, highlighting the perceived overpowered nature of the augment. Players argue that its free benefits skew the game’s meta, leading to contentious matches and unbalanced outcomes.

Newcomer Queries

For beginners entering the TFT arena, understanding the intricacies of the Edge of Night augment can be daunting. Questions like ‘What does it do?’ and ‘How to use it effectively?’ showcase the need for guidance and clarity in navigating this game-changing feature.

Sett versus Strategy

Some users divert attention from the augment debate by focusing on unit synergies like the 3* Sett, asserting that strategic unit compositions play a pivotal role in match outcomes. This juxtaposition adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing discourse surrounding gameplay dynamics.

Categories TFT