Team Fight Tactics (TFT): The Call to Chaos Augment – Love It or Hate It?

Is the Call to Chaos augment in TFT a game-changer or a detriment? Dive into the Reddit community's conflicting opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have been divided over the Call to Chaos augment, sparking heated debates in the community. Whether it’s a boon or a curse, the opinions are as diverse as the outcomes players experience.


  • Players either love or hate the Call to Chaos augment due to its unpredictable outcomes.
  • Despite the randomness, some players find it entertaining and a risk worth taking.
  • Many feel frustrated with the augment’s repeated offerings of undesired items.
  • Overall, the community is divided on whether the Call to Chaos augment adds to the game’s enjoyment or detracts from the strategic aspect.

The RNG Rollercoaster

One player, Venus_In_Shravana, rationalized the probabilities behind the augment, acknowledging the frustration of repeated undesirable outcomes. In contrast, expertGossiper embraces the chaos, likening it to a gamble they can’t resist, showcasing the diverse player attitudes towards risk-taking in TFT.

Yay or Nay?

Sea_Abbreviations347 expressed disappointment with receiving repeated Thief’s Gloves, portraying the negative side of the augment’s RNG nature. On the other hand, Its_Skecchi found humor in consistently getting three Sniper’s Focus, showcasing how diverse experiences can be across players.

Embracing the Unpredictability

While some players like Salted_Caramul see the augment as a strategic gamble, others like GeeBrain find joy in the unexpected outcomes, even if they lead to wild results like 40 free rerolls.

Categories TFT