Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Strategies: Analyzing a Reddit Post

Discover why a TFT player placed 8th in a game with a supposedly strong comp of Kaisa+bruisers, sparking a mix of helpful advice and humorous comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players always seek to refine their strategies, but sometimes even the strongest compositions can lead to unexpected results. In a recent Reddit post, user Etincellz shared their confusion over finishing 8th in a game where they believed a Kaisa+bruisers setup should dominate, combined with a stroke of luck with ricochet. Let’s delve into the community’s feedback on what might have gone wrong.


  • Itemization and hero composition play crucial roles in TFT success.
  • Strategic item distribution can make or break a team’s performance.
  • Balance between frontline and backline strength is essential for survival.

Community Feedback

Alzucard pointed out the weak frontline issue, emphasizing the importance of a sturdy defense to support Kaisa’s damage output.

momoteck suggested itemizing Sylas as a secondary carry and optimizing frontline items for better sustainability.

Ok_Confection3902 noted the inefficient itemization on bard and lack of defensive items across the team, highlighting the necessity for a balanced approach.

Shvihka criticized the item placement on bard instead of Kaisa, impacting the team’s overall strength and survivability.


Despite the discord between expected strength and actual performance, TFT remains a game of calculated risks and adaptive strategies. Each match offers valuable lessons for players to enhance their gameplay and decision-making. As the community continues to share insights and anecdotes, the evolving meta of TFT reflects the dynamic nature of competitive gaming, where surprises and setbacks fuel the quest for mastery.

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