Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Reddit Rants and Raves: Wandering Trainers Debacle

Wandering Trainers cause a stir in the TFT subreddit. Find out if it's all about instant AFK or heavenly rolls!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) subreddit users recently got into a heated discussion about the infamous Wandering Trainers. The poster, NoOne_the_Shogun, expressed deep disappointment in a particular Trainer encounter. The thread sparked various reactions with some praising the Trainer’s offerings and others questioning strategy decisions. Let’s delve into the chaos of this TFT rollercoaster.


  • Wandering Trainers: Instant AFK or Heavenly Rolls?
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Wandering Trainers Bliss

The controversial Trainer encounter received mixed reactions, with some users hailing it as a heavenly roll opportunity. The excitement was palpable as one user praised the Trainer’s loot, claiming it was a definitive choice for their gameplay.

Strategic Disarray

However, not everyone shared this sentiment. Some users questioned the strategic choices made during the encounter, suggesting alternative tactics like forcing mythic Kog rerolls. These differing opinions highlight the complexity of TFT gameplay and the diverse approaches players take.

Sentinel Sentiments

The discussion also touched on the divisive nature of emblem Sentinels, with one user expressing frustration over the impact these emblems have on early-game decisions. The sentiment of predetermined outcomes and lack of variety resonated with some players, emphasizing the need for balance and diversity in gameplay.

Overall, the Wandering Trainers debacle in the TFT subreddit showcases the passion and diversity within the community. From heavenly rolls to strategic dilemmas, players navigate the ever-changing landscape of Team Fight Tactics with unique perspectives and playstyles.

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