Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Reddit Rant – The Bow Struggle Continues

TFT players express frustration with the scarcity of bows in a hilarious Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are up in arms again, this time over a severe lack of bows. Whether it’s bows or red buffs, the struggle never seems to end in the world of TFT.


  • Players unite in their common annoyance at the scarcity of certain items.
  • Some find humor in the shared struggles, turning frustration into laughter.
  • Despite the odds, players persevere, finding alternative strategies to cope with the bow shortage.

TFT Community’s Take

One user, lolzomg123, hilariously commented, ‘Your bench looks like you sold a windshield wiper Nilah with salvage bin to pivot.’ It seems the struggle is real when it comes to obtaining a simple bow in TFT.

Bow Wars: A Never-Ending Saga

Palidin034 added, ‘And my bow!’ echoing the sentiments of many players who feel like they can never have enough bows in their inventory.

Strategic Adaptation

Players like PretendBrother21 are making the best of a bad situation. ‘At least you can still build it into red buff, I got 5 magnetic removers early on. smh,’ they shared, highlighting the creativity in dealing with item scarcity.

The innovative ways players navigate the challenges of TFT never fail to entertain, even amidst the ongoing bow shortages and red buff dominance. As the community rallies together in moments of shared frustration, their resilience and humor shine through, proving that no matter the odds, the TFT spirit remains unbreakable.

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