Team Fight Tactics (TFT): No Portal Bug Creating Chaos in Matches

When a portal pad mishap leads to no portals displaying in the match, chaos ensues among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players encountered a peculiar situation when a player unintentionally removed portals from the match due to a bug.


  • Players left bewildered by missing portals in matches.
  • Bug sparks discussions on game development practices.
  • Community shares humorous anecdotes about portal mishaps.

Unique Bug Encounter

One player mentioned, “Its like balancing a light switch perfectly between on and off,” reflecting the delicate balancing act in TFT.

Community Reactions

One user humorously commented, “Small indie dev, can’t afford QA,” poking fun at the bug occurrence.

Unexpected Consequences

Another player shared, “Funny. I got the front half of thos bug, but it ended up applying the only portal nobody voted for,” highlighting the unpredictable nature of the bug.

Amusing Anecdotes

Reflecting on the experience, a player joked, “Skill issue,” showcasing a lighthearted take on the situation.

Players found themselves in amusing predicaments, leading to shared confusion and laughter within the TFT community. The bug not only disrupted matches but also brought joy as players navigated the unexpected. As TFT continues to evolve, these quirky moments contribute to the game’s charm, creating memorable experiences for players. The community’s ability to find humor and camaraderie amidst bugs demonstrates the resilience and creativity that define TFT enthusiasts.

Categories TFT