Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Is Hitting Emerald a Real Accomplishment?

Is reaching Emerald in TFT an impressive feat? Reddit users discuss the significance of hitting Emerald and share their perspectives.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are debating whether achieving Emerald rank is truly an accomplishment. The discussion revolves around the perceived difficulty of reaching this milestone and its significance in the competitive landscape. Does hitting Emerald really mean you’ve made it in the world of TFT?


  • Hitting Emerald signifies personal improvement as a player rather than just a rank.
  • Emerald sits between Platinum and Diamond, offering meaningful skill milestones.
  • Emerald places players in the top 5% within certain regions, highlighting a level of skill and dedication.
  • Personal goals and improvement matter more than external validation when it comes to ranks.

Is Emerald Really a Challenge?

While some players view reaching Emerald as a significant achievement, others question its true difficulty. The Emerald rank sits as a decisive milestone between Platinum and Diamond, providing players with tangible skill progression markers.

Personal Milestones Over External Validation

Many players emphasize personal growth and improvement over reaching specific ranks. The journey to Emerald is a testament to dedication, skill refinement, and perseverance in the ever-evolving landscape of TFT.

The Significance of Hitting Emerald

Achieving Emerald status not only reflects individual progression but also places players in a top percentile within the competitive TFT community. It signifies a level of understanding and mastery that sets them apart from lower-ranked players.

In TFT, hitting Emerald is not just about a rank; it’s a mark of commitment, learning, and skill development. It represents a stepping stone towards higher achievements and greater challenges in the TFT competitive scene. So, let’s keep rolling, climbing, and aiming for those shiny victory screens!

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