Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Frustrations and Walks of Shame

Eliminated players in TFT share the struggles of forced reconnects and the tedious wait to quit the game again.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players on Reddit are expressing their frustration about being forced to reconnect after quitting the game when eliminated too early. The walk of shame to reload the game just to quit again is a common sentiment among players.


  • Players dislike being forced to reconnect after quitting early
  • Many find the wait to quit again tedious and unnecessary
  • Some suggest adding a skip button for animations

Walk of Shame

Players express frustration at having to reload the game only to quit again after being eliminated. The process feels tedious and unnecessary, adding to the frustration of defeat.

Skip Button

Several players suggest the addition of a skip button for animations to allow for a smoother exit from the game once eliminated. This would eliminate the need for players to go through unnecessary cinematics before quitting.

Emotional Rollercoaster

The process of being eliminated and then forced to reconnect can take a toll on players’ emotions, adding to the already existing frustration of defeat in the game. Players seek a smoother transition out of the game.

Categories TFT