Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Can You Roll a Unit in Shop After 3*ing Them?

Can you really keep rolling for that one unit after 3 starring it? Let's find out the loophole!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have been buzzing about a potential loophole in the game that allows them to keep rolling for a unit even after reaching the coveted 3-star status. One user shared their experience on Reddit, sparking a discussion among fans.


  • Players have discovered a bug that enables them to roll for units after 3-starring them.
  • This bug, known as ‘over roll,’ occurs when rolling during the same stage as you 3-star a unit.
  • The bug seems to be related to the game not recognizing the player’s board during certain transitions.

Over Roll Bug Insights

One user explained that the bug triggers when rolling at a precise time while their board is transitioning to another player’s arena, tricking the game into thinking the board is empty. This allows players to roll for duplicate 3-star units, such as Thresh or Gnar.

Known Issues and Workarounds

Another player highlighted that the bug is more likely to occur when rolling before unit combinations are complete, leading to unexpected encounters with already 3-starred units. The community discussed the rarity of the bug and its impact on gameplay strategies.

Beyond 3-Stars

Some players pondered the implications of having a mix of 3-star and 1/2-star units on the board, especially when utilizing specific champion augments. The debate veered into potential shifts in damage output and tactical advantages in different scenarios.

Despite the bug’s occasional benefits, the community remained curious about the underlying rules governing unit appearances in the shop and the mechanic of rolling while transitioning between boards.

Categories TFT