Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Bard’s Return and the Community Buzz

Discover how Bard's resurgence in TFT has players celebrating and strategizing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are abuzz with excitement as Bard makes a strong comeback, impacting gameplay strategies and outcomes. With the community sharing their experiences and insights, it’s clear that Bard’s return has sparked a mix of emotions and reactions.


  • Players are thrilled with Bard’s resurgence in the current meta, highlighting his impact on matches.
  • The community acknowledges the strength of specific itemizations on Bard, elevating his performance.
  • References to past metas and strategies indicate a nostalgic nod to earlier gameplay dynamics.

Community Reactions to Bard’s Return

As Bard reemerges as a prominent pick in Team Fight Tactics, players are quick to express their thoughts on his influence on recent matches. User ‘kucao’ shared a post titled ‘Bard is Back – I was 3rd losing to this,’ highlighting the significant role Bard played in their gameplay experience.

Ok-Machine-6742 jokingly remarks on a lack of frontline presence in a player’s composition, attributing Bard’s strength to the new item, Wits End. This humorous observation indicates the community’s awareness of key strategy components.

ChesterZirawin reflects on a personal game where Bard turned the tide of a losing streak, showcasing the champion’s potential to impact game outcomes decisively.

JankyJokester dives into specific in-game scenarios, referencing intricate unit combinations and effective itemization on Bard to underscore the champion’s viability in the current meta.

The Bard Phenomenon

GorkaChonison muses on the cyclical nature of metas in TFT, drawing parallels between the current resurgence of Bard, Tahm Kench, and other champions and earlier gameplay iterations. This reflection hints at the community’s appreciation for evolving metas.

GoodArtistic shares a similar gameplay experience involving Bard, highlighting the champion’s consistent impact across different player scenarios. These anecdotes emphasize Bard’s adaptability and strength in various setups.

SnooDrawings6008 raises a common query among players, questioning the abundance of items in certain games. This curiosity reflects the community’s ongoing engagement with game mechanics and resource management strategies.

The Meta Shift

miracide humorously remarks on the inevitable return of Bard to the meta, humorously stating that all metas lead back to Bard. This lighthearted comment showcases the cyclical nature of gameplay trends in TFT.

floridabeach9 recalls past successes with Bard, emphasizing the importance of specific unit combinations and strategic choices in achieving victories. This retrospective look at past strategies underscores the enduring appeal of certain gameplay styles.

Categories TFT