Team Fight Tactics (TFT): A Stagnant Meta or Endless Variety?

Is Team Fight Tactics (TFT) stuck in a rut with its gameplay variety, or is there hidden diversity waiting to be discovered?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are debating the game’s current meta and its lack of diversity in the champion and composition choices. Some feel the game has become too stagnant, while others argue there is a wealth of viable options to explore.


  • Players express frustration with the repetitive nature of the current set’s champion and item choices.
  • Some believe that the game offers a wide range of viable compositions beyond the meta picks.
  • There is a divide between those who play strictly for winning with top-tier comps and those who enjoy experimenting with different strategies.

Konyaata – Embracing Creativity

Konyaata finds joy in exploring unconventional builds and encourages players to step away from the meta for a more refreshing experience.

clickityclackbones – Variety Amidst the Meta

clickityclackbones acknowledges the prevalence of S-tier comps but highlights the plethora of viable options in the current set, offering diverse gameplay experiences.

Apeish4Life – Praise for Set Diversity

Apeish4Life appreciates the variety of viable compositions and augments in the game, considering it one of the best sets in TFT history.

ManWithRedditAccount – Play for Fun

ManWithRedditAccount suggests deviating from the meta for a more enjoyable gaming experience and emphasizes the importance of having fun while playing TFT.

Categories TFT