TCaptainX: The NEW META SMG of Season 1 Reloaded Warzone

Discover the new meta SMG for Season 1 Reloaded in Warzone as TCaptainX showcases the powerful HRM 9 and provides valuable loadout insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

TCaptainX explores the exciting changes brought by the Season 1 Reloaded update in Warzone. In this video, he focuses on the introduction of the HRM 9, a brand new SMG that has quickly become the new meta weapon in the game. With impressive gameplay and over 60 kills, TCaptainX highlights the strengths and capabilities of the HRM 9.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The HRM 9 is the new meta SMG of Season 1 Reloaded in Warzone.
  • TCaptainX and his friends have created a new website, G gs. a, to help players find the best loadouts tailored to their play style in Warzone.
  • The HRM 9 has excellent time to kill and damage range ratings, making it a formidable weapon in close-range engagements.
  • The gun’s recoil, mobility, and sprint to fire ratings are all favorable, making it easy to handle and perfect for aggressive playstyles.

Exploring the HRM 9:

In TCaptainX’s video, he provides a detailed breakdown of the HRM 9’s loadout, highlighting the best attachments for aggressive play. He recommends using the suppressed barrel for a balance between range and recoil control. The DR6 hand stop improves mobility and handling, while the solar flare laser enhances sprint to fire time. Additionally, the rear grip attachment further aids in recoil control.

Impressive Gameplay:

TCaptainX showcases two high-kill gameplays using the HRM 9. With a total of 65 kills, he demonstrates the gun’s effectiveness in different scenarios and highlights its dominance in the current meta. The HRM 9’s combination of high time to kill, great damage range, and manageable recoil make it a top choice for players looking to excel in close-range engagements.