TC Zwag: Corki Rework is Finally Here and He’s Very Different Now! (New Spell Effects)

TC Zwag explores the newly reworked Corki in this video. Find out how his abilities have changed and how he performs in the mid lane.

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TC Zwag explores the newly reworked Corki in this video. Corki’s passive and package have been removed, but he now has a 15% bonus true damage on his autos that works with Sheen. TC Zwag decides to build Triforce first and notes that Corki’s Q is faster. The W now has a minimum cast distance, and the E shreds more. However, the AP ratio on his Rockets has been removed, shifting Corki towards being an auto attacker. TC Zwag believes Corki will go back to being played as an ADC, but he will still be viable in the mid lane due to his safety. TC Zwag also discusses potential item builds, including Infinity Edge and Manamune. He showcases the gameplay and demonstrates the damage output of the reworked Corki.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Corki’s passive and package have been removed, but he now has a 15% bonus true damage on his autos.
  • Triforce is a recommended first item for Corki.
  • Corki’s Q is faster, and his W has a minimum cast distance.
  • AP Corki might not be viable anymore, as the AP ratio has been removed from his Rockets.

Gameplay Analysis:

In the video, TC Zwag showcases the reworked Corki’s gameplay in the mid lane. He highlights the changes to Corki’s abilities, including the increased true damage on his autos. TC Zwag decides to build Triforce as the first item for Corki, taking advantage of the synergy with his new passive. He demonstrates the increased damage output of Corki’s autos and the effectiveness of the reworked abilities.

Item Build Recommendations:

TC Zwag discusses potential item builds for the reworked Corki. He mentions Infinity Edge as a strong choice, especially when combined with the true damage on Corki’s autos. He also considers Manamune as an option, but ultimately decides to go with Triforce into crit items. TC Zwag explains the reasoning behind his item choices and discusses the impact they have on Corki’s damage output.