Tarzaned explores the new best build for Graves in Season 14 and discusses its potential impact on the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tarzaned’s latest video delves into the best build for Graves in Season 14 and its potential impact on the game. He experiments with various items and strategies to optimize his performance on this champion.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Tarzaned experiments with the Graves build in Season 14 to find the most optimal setup.
  • He explores the viability of the HST item and its synergy with other execute items.
  • Tarzaned shares his thoughts on the strength of Graves in the current meta and potential improvements for the champion.

Exploring the Best Graves Build for Season 14

Tarzaned starts the video by discussing the best build for Graves in Season 14. He experiments with different items and strategies to find the most effective setup for this champion. He tests the HST item and its synergy with other execute items, such as the Collector.

The Viability of the HST Item

Tarzaned explores the viability of the HST item on Graves. He discusses its potential impact on the champion’s damage output and how it enhances his gameplay. He showcases the item’s effectiveness in various scenarios and highlights its potential to be a game-changer in Season 14.

Strength of Graves in the Current Meta

Tarzaned shares his thoughts on the strength of Graves in the current meta. He discusses the champion’s viability in different team compositions and the potential improvements that can be made to optimize his performance. He provides insights into Graves’ strengths and weaknesses and offers strategies to maximize his impact in the game.