Surprising Turn of Events: Team 7AM’s Co-owner Leaves Amid Pride Month Controversy in League of Legends

A top Team 7AM official steps down due to a controversy over his Pride Month comments. Explore the aftermath and responses here.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent twist in the League of Legends esports world, Team 7AM’s co-owner has decided to step down following controversy surrounding remarks made during Pride Month.


  • Team 7AM co-owner steps down in the wake of Pride Month comments. This sudden decision has lead to varied reactions among followers and fellow gamers.
  • The post’s sentiment leans towards appreciating this action, indicating that such comments do not align well with the ethos of the gaming community.
  • In an unexpected sequence, the entire organization appears to have been dissolved.
    • Initial Revelations

      This shocking incident started with a brief post on an online gaming community, resulting in widespread awareness. No content was attached to the post, yet the title itself was enough to create a buzz. The brevity of the post possibly indicating the seriousness of the situation.

      Community Response

      Following the news break, the community response was swift. ‘Ragaga’ interestingly updated, ‘the entire org is gone lol’ with a link to a twitter post confirming the dissolution of the entire Team 7AM. This indicates a significant distress in their ranks following the incident.

      Several other members displayed varying reactions. ‘Lothric43’, with a hint of humor, commented ‘WHOMEGALUL, Anyway RIP BOZO’. Users like ‘Mykep’ and ‘HiImKostia’ simply responded with ‘Good’ and ‘nice’ respectively, seemingly pleased with the co-owner’s departure.

      Wider Implications

      ‘xXxWeed_Wizard420xXx’ made an astute point – ‘Who? yea, that literally is the way to conduct business. The issue is that he got caught.’ This comment brings to light a deeper conversation within the esports community about behavioral expectations and the transparency of actions by high-profile figures.

      In this entire conversation, a critical observation by ‘OkKnowledge2064’ reads – ‘Everyone knows it’s just for show but if you say it you’re out. It’s kinda funny.’ This sarcastically points out the sometimes deceptive facade of business decisions and the potential repercussions of not maintaining that facade.

      The departure of Team 7AM’s co-owner illuminates the growing importance of respect and ethical behavior in the gaming community. It will certainly interest esports enthusiasts worldwide to see how this will shape similar situations in the future.