Suicide Squad: What Players Want Out of Games Revealed

Join the discussion on what players really want out of games. Are developers meeting expectations?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad sparks a debate on player expectations and content longevity. Users discuss the value of ongoing support and quality in modern games.


  • Players seek engaging gameplay and meaningful content updates in games.
  • Community divides on the effectiveness of live service models like Suicide Squad.
  • Gamers reminisce about the past while navigating the evolving landscape of gaming.

Gaming Expectations

Spartan1088 criticizes the repetitive nature of Suicide Squad’s content, questioning the game’s long-term appeal and developer integrity. Anarchy753 highlights the lack of innovation in gameplay mechanics and loot systems, drawing comparisons to more successful titles like Warframe.

Personal Preferences

Mymantaco and zilvoi reflect on their gaming preferences over the years, emphasizing the importance of immersive experiences and grind-heavy gameplay. ElGofre and TonyEisner express concerns about the viability and sustainability of live service games, citing issues with content delivery and player retention strategies.

The Evolution of Gaming

Lt_Titty_Sprinkles shares insights on gaming history, noting the industry’s shift towards live service models and the detrimental impact on player experiences. Users emphasize the need for substance, variety, and engaging narratives to elevate the gaming experience.