Suicide Squad Video Game – What’s the Deal with the Hate?

Users on the SuicideSquadGaming subreddit are in uproar over the latest character design. What's causing the commotion?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad fans are up in arms over the latest character design. What’s the deal with the hate?


  • Outrage over the new character design
  • Rocksteady’s reputation tarnished
  • Controversy surrounding the color scheme

The Backlash

TomBru98 expressed regret over paying full price for the game, questioning the value received. Fans like trunksam are curious about gameplay elements, despite reservations about the character design.

Defending the Design

Some users, like theblackfool, find the hate excessive and suggest minor changes like adjusting the goggles’ color. Others, such as kmank2l13, are willing to give the design a chance pending gameplay reveals.

The Future of Suicide Squad

Despite criticisms, zeke10 finds the character design acceptable with minor exceptions, indicating varying opinions among the fanbase. The consensus appears divided as fans await more information on the game.

As the anticipation for Suicide Squad’s release grows, fans continue to debate online about the contentious character design. Only time will tell if Rocksteady can quell the concerns of its dedicated player base.