Suicide Squad: The Rich Text Debate Explodes on Reddit

Find out why fans are divided over the rich text in Suicide Squad gaming!

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gamers are taking to Reddit to debate the rich text in the game, spawning a mix of reactions from players.


  • Players are divided on the quality of the rich text feature in the game.
  • Some see it as an amusing quirk, while others find it frustrating.
  • The community is split between those who appreciate the effort and those who find it lacking.

Positive Reactions

Some players like Membership-Bitter found the rich text amusing, stating, “Man this is just sad now.” Others, like Much_Bet_2395, simply exclaimed, “SWEET!”

Negative Reactions

On the flip side, Toiban7 questioned the development time, asking, “What were they doing for 9 years?” Meanwhile, kesh26 likened the game to “a rich garbage.”

Conflicting Perspectives

Players like JJgame11 and thats1evildude had mixed feelings, with JJgame11 repeating “richtexthere richtext” while thats1evildude simply commented, “Sweet!”

The ongoing discussion on Reddit showcases the diverse opinions within the Suicide Squad gaming community, highlighting the polarizing nature of the rich text feature.