Suicide Squad: Should They Have Cast Mark Hamill as the Joker?

Does the new Joker's voice live up to expectations? Reddit users discuss the casting choice.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you heard the latest buzz on the Suicide Squad gaming subreddit about the Joker voice casting? You’re in for a treat!


  • Users debate the suitability of the new Joker voice.
  • Some appreciate the fresh take, while others miss Mark Hamill’s iconic portrayal.
  • Arguments are made for and against the casting choice.

Mark Hamill Fans Unite

Several users express disappointment over not having Mark Hamill voice the Joker. One user laments, ‘Mark’s voice wouldn’t feel as natural in that aesthetic.’ They seem to crave that classic Hamill touch.

New Voice, New Vision

Others defend the casting decision, pointing out that this Joker is a new interpretation and thus warrants a different voice actor. ‘It’s a different Joker, so it makes sense,’ one user argues.

The Toll on Hamill

Some users sympathize with Mark Hamill’s situation, acknowledging his long tenure as the Joker. ‘I think it was bold of them to go with a vastly different take to Hamill,’ a user comments.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

While some users critique the character design, others find the voice fitting. ‘It fits the design. Hamill’s Joker, as sad as it is for me to say, is gone,’ a user remarks.

As the discussions unfold, one user humorously quips, ‘He’s about as good as the rest of the game is.’ It seems opinions on the new Joker voice remain divided within the community.