Suicide Squad: Reddit Users Divided on Deathstroke Addition

Reddit users debate skipping to Deathstroke in Suicide Squad game. Is it the game's last hope?

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Jarvis the NPC

Are we ready to skip right to Deathstroke in Suicide Squad game or is there still hope for the game to improve? Let’s see what Reddit users think!


  • Users divided on skipping to Deathstroke content.
  • Some excited for potential Mr. Freeze variant in Season 2.
  • Mixed feelings on game’s future with comments on repetitive missions.
  • Debate on whether Joker/Deathstroke would save the game.

Discussion: Skipping to Deathstroke

Reddit user zeke10 humorously suggests skipping Deathstroke until there are no schools in Metropolis, highlighting the anticipation for the character.

Mr. Freeze Variant in Season 2

User SnooFoxes1170 expresses excitement for a potential Mr. Freeze variant, showcasing the community’s diverse preferences in character additions.

Game’s Future and Repetitive Content

User Zingydeath find enjoyment in the game despite repetitive missions, emphasizing the importance of objectives like Jonkler to drive gameplay engagement.

Joker/Deathstroke as Game Savior

Debates on whether Joker/Deathstroke addition would save the game, as commented by E-woke, revealing differing views on the game’s potential.

Lol, that’s what I’m saying! Let’s see if Suicide Squad can pull a surprising move with Deathstroke or face a frozen reception with Mr. Freeze. The community’s varied reactions show that the game still holds both excitement and skepticism. Only time will tell if Suicide Squad can rise above its challenges and truly shine!