Suicide Squad – New All Time Low? Gamers React on Reddit

Gamers are voicing their disappointment over the latest news on Suicide Squad game in a Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad seems to have hit rock bottom according to a recent Reddit post where users expressed their disappointment. Perhaps it’s time for a game-saving update?


  • Players express frustration over lack of playable characters.
  • Community divided on the relevance of Steam charts.
  • Concerns raised over the game’s player retention.
  • Diverse opinions on the game’s popularity and success.

Players’ Frustrations

BennyFemur1998 lamented the absence of new playable characters and the overreliance on the Joker in the game, generating mixed feelings among players.

Community Stand

Cleslie92 believes the focus on Steam charts is irrelevant and urges players to enjoy the game based on personal preference rather than external metrics.

Retention Concerns

Lukefsje doubts the game’s ability to maintain a substantial player base due to fluctuating numbers post-update, highlighting ongoing challenges in player engagement.

Opinions Differ

Membership-Bitter humorously points out the disconnect between player numbers and claimed success, while Cousinfcker6869 expresses surprise at the game’s player base, reflecting contrasting views on its popularity.

Dependent_Map5592 and WispyDan14 offer additional insights into the game’s player base and challenges, providing a multifaceted perspective on its current state.