Suicide Squad Gaming: Why Is the Intro to the Season So Embarrassing?

Users on the Suicide Squad Gaming subreddit share their disappointment with the lackluster introduction to the game season.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Suicide Squad gaming community is in an uproar over the lackluster introduction to the season. Fans feel let down by the absence of key narrative elements that set up the premise of the game.


  • Users criticize the lack of a proper cutscene setting up the team’s mission.
  • Players express confusion over missing key plot points, such as Joker’s motivation.
  • Fans speculate on the future of the game, expressing doubt about its longevity.

Reactions from the Community

Linkenski humorously remarks on the game’s development struggles, suggesting that the development team may have been downsized.

ItsPozo questions the absence of a specific cutscene involving Joker and wonders if it was omitted from the game entirely.

NameGoesHere86 expresses skepticism about the game’s future, hinting at disappointment with the current state.

The Disappointment Continues

Hoppit124 expresses frustration at the lack of story missions and the game’s failure to meet expectations, adding to the disappointment.

RdJokr1993 counters the criticism by recalling a specific scene involving Waller briefing the team about the mission, highlighting a different perspective.