Suicide Squad Battle Pass Bug: Players Seeking Solutions

Players in the Suicide Squad community are facing a battle pass bug. Read on to find out how they're dealing with it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Suicide Squad community are encountering a frustrating bug with the battle pass. User UnhappySwitch2845 shared their experience of being unable to collect rewards. Let’s dive into what the community had to say about this issue!


  • Players are experiencing a bug where they can’t progress through the battle pass to claim rewards.
  • Solutions shared include using the D-pad to move and leaving the menu before trying again.
  • Community members suggest trying various movements and switching tabs to fix the issue.

Insights from the Community

One player, Mercer824, advised switching tabs and returning, pointing out that the bug also affects the fear page.

CloudChaos541 recommended using the D-pad to navigate and exiting the menu before retrying, finding success with this method.

CloudChaos541 shared another fix, suggesting moving in all directions simultaneously and then switching to a different time, which resolved the issue for them.

Players are actively engaging with each other to troubleshoot and overcome the battle pass bug, showcasing the supportive nature of the Suicide Squad gaming community.