subtractem: Dual Strike Of Ambidexterity Trickster Is A Solid Melee Build

Discover the power of the Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Trickster build in this in-depth video analysis by subtractem.

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Griot the NPC

In this video, subtractem explores the Dual Strike of Ambidexterity melee build and its potential in the current league. The build utilizes the new transfigured version of dual strike, providing a unique playstyle that focuses on combining the damage of both main and offhand weapons. By maximizing damage on the main hand and attack speed on the offhand, players can create a formidable melee character.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Dual Strike of Ambidexterity build focuses on utilizing both main and offhand weapons for maximum damage potential.
  • The build utilizes the ephemeral edge sword to boost energy shield and scale lightning damage.
  • Non-critical strikes are prioritized, allowing for more consistent damage output.
  • The build offers solid defensive layers with energy shield leech and fortify options.

Exploring the Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Trickster Build

The Dual Strike of Ambidexterity build introduces a new playstyle that combines the damage of both main and offhand weapons. By utilizing the ephemeral edge sword, players can focus on maximizing their energy shield to enhance both offense and defense. The build prioritizes non-critical strikes, leveraging skills like precise technique and voice of the storms to scale damage effectively.

Optimizing Gem and Item Choices

The gem setup for the Dual Strike of Ambidexterity build revolves around linking dual strike of ambidexterity with volatility, awakened elemental damage with attacks, awakened lightning pen, energy leech, and multistrike. While multistrike is recommended for single-target encounters, melee splash can be used for mapping to enhance area of effect damage.

Key items for the build include the ephemeral edge sword, which provides increased energy shield and added lightning damage based on energy shield. The bright beak offhand weapon is also crucial for maximizing attack speed. Additionally, the voice of the storm amulet and chevron’s revelation ring offer valuable bonuses to energy shield and intelligence.

Building Defenses and Single-Target Damage

To enhance defenses, players can invest in the tribal fury anointment, which enables the skill to hit additional nearby enemies. This can be further amplified with gloves that also grant additional nearby enemy hits. For single-target encounters, anointing arcane focus provides increased energy shield for both offense and defense.

The Dual Strike of Ambidexterity Trickster build offers a unique and versatile playstyle for melee enthusiasts. With its focus on utilizing both main and offhand weapons, maximizing energy shield, and prioritizing non-critical strikes, it provides a solid balance of offense and defense. While it may not excel in certain areas like high-tier boss encounters, it offers a reliable and enjoyable experience for mapping and general gameplay.