Struggling with Solo Queuing in Valorant? Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Experience

A Valorant player seeks advice on dealing with chaotic solo queues and lack of teamwork. Find out how the community suggests improving the situation.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players often face challenges when solo queuing, especially as beginners trying to find their place in the game. A Reddit user shared their frustration about teammates not coordinating well and the lack of teamwork in their matches. They express their desire to find casual players to build strategies and enhance their gaming experience.


  • Adjust through competitive matches to find your skill level
  • Embrace the chaos and keep playing to improve
  • Consider alternative strategies like muting comms and treating games as practice
  • Connect with like-minded players to form teams and enjoy the game

Dealing with Solo Queue Frustrations

Many players advised the original poster to push through the challenges and let the game’s matchmaking system adjust to their skills over time. Some suggested focusing on individual performance and not getting discouraged by the chaotic nature of solo queues. One player even recommended muting communications and treating each match as a practice session to alleviate the stress of low elo gameplay.

Building a Supportive Community

Several users extended invitations to join them in gameplay, emphasizing the importance of finding friends to play with instead of relying on solo queues. They highlighted the benefits of cooperative gaming and the enjoyment of supporting each other in matches. Suggestions to join Discord communities and form teams to combat the randomness of solo queues were prevalent in the comments.

Strategies for Improvement

Advice ranged from submitting a ticket to Riot for a region change to simply making friends and playing with them to avoid the pitfalls of solo queuing. Players emphasized the significance of teamwork, effective communication, and a supportive environment for enhanced gaming experiences. Getting involved in a community and forming connections with fellow players emerged as a common theme in the responses.