Struggling to Improve Your FIFA Ultimate Team? Reddit Users Share Their Frustrations

Is your FIFA Ultimate Team stuck in a rut despite countless packs opened? Discover why Reddit users are struggling to upgrade their squads.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans on the subreddit have been voicing their frustrations about the struggle to improve their Ultimate Team despite numerous pack openings and gameplay efforts. The post titled “Anyone else just can’t improve their team?” by user KEEPCARLM highlights the challenges faced by players.


  • Players are finding it difficult to upgrade their teams due to poor pack luck and limited time for gameplay.
  • Some users have resorted to buying players instead of relying on packs.
  • Pack weight during Team of the Season promotions is a common complaint among players.
  • Players are struggling to keep up with the evolving meta and high-rated cards in competitive modes.

Frustrations with Pack Luck

Many users expressed disappointment in their pack luck during the Team of the Season (TOTS) event. User ValleyFloydJam mentioned, “I’ve gone full send and had zip zero in terms of anyone of note, pack weight is pretty awful.” This sentiment was echoed by others who felt that despite their efforts, they were not rewarded with valuable cards.

Time Constraints and Gameplay Challenges

User KEEPCARLM highlighted the impact of time constraints on their ability to grind Weekend League (WL). This limitation has hindered their progress in upgrading their squad, leading to frustration. User AnduwinHS raised a valid question about how players manage their gameplay time and emphasized the importance of maximizing gaming opportunities.

Resorting to Player Purchases

Some users, like COK3Y5MURF, shared their approach of buying players instead of solely relying on packs. This shift in strategy showcases the struggle players face in balancing pack luck with direct player acquisitions to enhance their team.

Overall, the FIFA community is grappling with challenges related to pack luck, time constraints, and evolving gameplay dynamics. The journey to improving one’s Ultimate Team is fraught with obstacles, but players continue to navigate these hurdles in their pursuit of a top-tier squad.