Struggling to Improve Aim in Valorant? Here’s What Reddit Has to Say!

Having 1000 hours in Valorant and still struggling to aim? Reddit users share their advice and experiences in this insightful post.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Feeling frustrated with your aim in Valorant after dedicating 1000 hours to it? Well, you’re not alone! A Reddit user, LouuVan, shared their struggles and sought advice from the gaming community.


  • Improving aim goes beyond just practice, it’s about having the right mindset and confidence.
  • Consider reviewing your setup, peripherals, and gameplay mechanics.
  • Recording and reviewing gameplay, especially in deathmatches, can provide valuable insights for improvement.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself; reaching Gold in Valorant is already an achievement.

Solutions to Aim Woes

One Reddit user, Sideshowknob_, emphasized the importance of confidence in aiming, suggesting that choosing duelists and building confidence can impact performance.

Another user, smokygrapefruit, highlighted the significance of reviewing gameplay, particularly in deathmatches, to understand strengths and weaknesses in mechanics.

Providing technical advice, Friendly_Fire pointed out the relevance of having a good setup and not solely blaming aim for poor performance.

Tips for Aiming Better

ZealousCod5026 recommended following specific training methods, mentioning the importance of tailored practice for different styles of aiming in various games.

Jaxakai suggested adjusting sensitivity settings as a potential solution for discomfort or performance issues related to high sensitivity.

-PRECIZIONE- recommended a benchmark tool, Voltaic Benchmarks, for aiming practice and improvement, sharing personal success with it.

With valuable tips and advice from the Reddit community, there are various avenues to explore to enhance your aiming skills in Valorant.