Struggling to Find Fun in Call of Duty? Here’s What Reddit Users Recommend

When Call of Duty loses its spark, what do you do? Reddit users share their thoughts on reviving the fun.

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling burnt out on Call of Duty? Ever find yourself just going through the motions in-game? You’re not alone. User FredAgain27 shared their struggles on the /r/callofduty subreddit, looking for ways to reignite the excitement in the game.


  • Exploring new playlists and game modes can offer a fresh experience.
  • Consider taking breaks from the game to prevent burnout.
  • Playing single-player campaigns or trying different genres can provide a welcome change of pace.

Exploring New Experiences

One Redditor suggested, “Play something else. Couldn’t imagine only playing cod.” It seems like diversifying your gaming experience might be the key to rediscovering joy in gaming.

Breaking Away from Routine

Another user shared, “I typically turn off the game and play something more enjoyable.” This simple advice highlights the importance of recognizing when a game stops being fun.

Embracing Variety

One user recommended, “Play a different game. There’s lots of great games out there that offer more enjoyment and fun than COD.” This perspective encourages gamers to explore a broader range of gaming experiences.

There’s a multitude of suggestions from the Reddit community, but the common theme is clear – it’s essential to listen to your feelings and take necessary steps to keep gaming enjoyable.