Stalcraft Combat Armors: Bullet Resistance Path

Welcome to our Stalcraft Combat Armors guide. Bullet Resistance and general durability is the main reason why people choose Combat Armors, so let’s see what you get.

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Ursine Warrior

Stalcraft Combat Armors Bullet Resistance

As far as armor is concerned, Combat Armors are probably the most popular armor branch in Stalcraft. Everyone wants to get a piece of that sweet sweet scuffle in Stalcraft, regardless if you’re a Bandit or a Stalker.

Getting into the fight is the easy part. Surviving the fight and living to tell the tale later, is not that easy. That’s why you need a good piece of Combat Armor, specifically, one from the Bullet Resistance Path.

Do you hate playing alone? After all, it’s better to scavenge the Zone with a battle buddy by your side. If that’s the case, then you should definitely check out the Z League app. Its LFG feature will help you find a gaming buddy in no time. 

Swamp Combat Armors

Coat with Body Armor

Stalcraft Combat Armors Coat w Body Armor

The Coat with Body Armor is the first piece of Combat Armor that you unlock in the game. It’s nothing special, but, seeing as you’ll be going up against weapons like the PB, which we discussed in our Level 1 Weapons guide; there’s nothing to worry about.

Currant Ghillie Suit


A Currant-equipped enemy is a beginner Stalker’s worst nightmare.  It’s not the best ghillie suit available, however, it still gets the job done. The stats of the suit itself are mediocre at best, but the ability to conceal yourself in the environment is a big plus. 

Cordon Combat Armors

Scout Suit


Stats-wise, the Scout Suit is a big step up from the Currant. You get a substantial increase in Bullet Resistance and Melee Resistance, as well as an increase in Bleeding Protection. It might not look like much, but this is a great suit to have.

Worm Armored Suit


The Worm is a bit of a “hop-off” point as far as the Stalcraft Combat Armors are concerned. It’s not a substantial jump in resistance as with its predecessor, but hey – beats having to fight an opponent in Scientist Armor. That’s for sure! 

Striker Armored Suit


The Striker Armored Suit is one of those must-have suits, especially if you’re farming in the Dump. The reason it’s a must-have is because of the Level 3 – 5 Weapons that it regularly has to go up against. Seriously, the Tantal is not a  joke!

The Bar Combat Armors

Worn Hoplite Armored Suit

Stalcraft Combat Armors Worn Hoplite

You should consider the Worn Hoplite as a hop-off point along the Bullet Resistance path. It’s nothing special, however, it does lead to some exceptional suits down the line.

Hoplite Armored Suit


The same can be said about the pristine Hoplite as its worn counterpart – it’s not that special. It comes with a slight stat increase over its predecessor, but nothing to write home about.

Worn Legionnaire

Worn Legionarre

Here’s where things start to become interesting. The Worn Legionnaire is among the first power armors that you can pick up, and in my opinion, it’s definitely worth a pick-up. Not only do you get a sizable increase in your resistances, but it also looks. What’s not to love?

The 100 Rads Bar Combat Armors

Legionnaire Heavy Armored Suit


A fresh coat of paint. Check. Some new wiring. Check. Brand new armored plates. Check. Introducing, the Legionnaire Heavy Armored Suit. The increase to Bullet and Melee Resistance isn’t the prize here. It’s the increase in Elemental Resistances that makes this suit an indispensable asset to have, and an absolute must-have. 

Damaged Centurion

Damaged Centurion

If you thought the Legionnaire looked cool, wait till you see this thing. The Damaged Centurion is leaps and bounds ahead of the Legionnaire, and it’s technically considered a piece of junk. 

Worn Centurion

Worn Centurion

The Worn Centurion is a slightly better-kept variant of the Damaged Centurion. It features an increase in most stats, however, the most notable increase is its Psy-Resistance. With the increase, you’ll be able to explore many a path that were previously barred to you. You still have to watch out for the other elements though.

Centurion Armored Exoskeleton


Finally, we have the brand-new Centurion Armored Exoskeleton. This is the culmination of the Bullet Resistance path in Stalcraft, and it requires a hell of a lot of grinding to unlock it. But if you do, you’ll be nigh impervious to bullets, as it has the most Bullet Resistance in the game.