Stalcraft Attachments Guide

Welcome to our Stalcraft Attachments Guide. Attachments are an essential component of the gunplay in Stalcraft. Even a mediocre gun can dominate with the right attachments.

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Ursine Warrior

Stalcraft Attachments Guide

Attachments are an essential part of the Stalcraft experience. The ability to customize your gun to the exact specs that you want is what draws players to Stalcraft time and time again. That being said, it isn’t a perfect system.

However, even if it isn’t a perfect system, you have to admit that it’s quite an expansive system, considering the type of game Stalcraft is. For some, this fact is a welcomed sight, for others, it’s a needless burden. Regardless, let’s take a look at its ins and outs. 

Do you hate playing alone? After all, it’s better to explore the Zone with a battle buddy by your side. If that’s the case, then you should definitely check out the Z League app. Its LFG feature will help find you a gaming buddy in no time. 

Key Takeaways for Stalcraft Attachments Guide

  • Attachments are an integral part of the Stalcraft experience
  • There are 6 attachment types in total with 3 more categories for ancillaries
  • Attachment bonuses stack with each other

Backpacks and Containers in Stalcraft

Stalcraft Attachments Guide Backpacks

Even though they look similar, there’s a reason this category is called “Backpacks and Containers”. You have multiple trees to choose from in this category, but they all mainly boil down into 2.

The first tree is the “Container” tree. These backpacks give you the ability to carry artifacts. They also protect you (to an extent) from the artifacts’ harmful radiation. 

The second tree is the “Backpacks” tree. These don’t really need an explanation really, as they do what a backpack is supposed to do – they allow you to carry more stuff. 

Muzzles and Silencers in Stalcraft

Muzzles and Silencers

The muzzles and silencers category is reserved for the different muzzles and silencers that are present in the game. Some of these have an upgrade path, however, most of the attachments are just dotted around, and/or are locked behind a safe zone level. 

As a rule of thumb, muzzles usually decrease your gun’s spread and recoil. Silencers on the other hand reduce your spread and the sound of your gunshots, but at the cost of draw time and damage at range. 

Clips in Stalcraft

Clips / Magazines

This category of items is a total misnomer that the devs are yet to address. It really should be called the magazine category, but hey, it is what it is. 

Unlike the previous category, a lot of the magazines have their respective upgrade paths, especially the common calibers like 5.56, 5.45, and 7.62. However, the less common calibers usually don’t have an upgrade path.

Magazines increase your magazine capacity, usually at the cost of an increased reload and draw time, however. 

Handguards and Brackets in Stalcraft

Handguards and Brackets

The Handguards and Brackets category is the most populated attachment category. Thankfully though, most of the attachments aren’t tied to an upgrade tree.

Handguards and Brackets don’t directly alter the stats of your weapon, however, they make it so that you’re able to attach more attachments onto the weapon, thus, altering its stats by proxy.

A fact that many players don’t know is that attachment bonuses stack. So, if you manage to create a monstrosity that has 3 lasers on it, congratulations! You’ve effectively made the most stable firing platform possible. 

Other Attachments in Stalcraft

Other Attachments

The Other Attachments category in Stalcraft is mainly reserved for Lasers and Foregrips. Lasers increase the stability of your weapon and decrease hip fire spread.

Foregrips on the other hand decrease your recoil and your sway. Some foregrips even increase your draw and aim speed. Because of these benefits, it’s generally advised to always have a foregrip attached if available.

Devices in Stalcraft


The Devices category is reserved for your Night Vision Goggles and your Metal Detectors, as well as the Candle SRD.

With the right suits, you don’t even need to have NVGs equipped, as they’re integrated into the suits themselves. And you can outright ignore the Pancake detectors as the Leglet is the superior detector overall, as we discussed in our guide on how to get the most Crafting Materials in Stalcraft. 

Sights in Stalcraft


The Sights category is reserved for your sights and optical devices. These don’t really increase your stats in any way, they just give you a magnification device that makes it easier to hit targets more precisely.