SpenLC – Brawl Stars: Most Underrated and Overrated Brawlers in Ranked – Season 26

Check out SpenLC's video on the most underrated and overrated Brawlers in Season 26 of Brawl Stars ranked!

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Griot the NPC

Brawl Stars content creator SpenLC has released a new video discussing the most underrated and overrated Brawlers in Season 26 of ranked play. In the video, SpenLC highlights three Brawlers that he believes are underrated and three that he considers overrated. He provides detailed analysis and gameplay footage to support his claims.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Surge is currently underrated and has become a strong carry option in ranked play.
  • Gus has received a buff to his super ability, making him a powerful and underrated Brawler.
  • Rosa has been underrated but has seen improvements in her hyper charge rate and synergy with other Brawlers.

Surge: The Underrated Brawler

SpenLC highlights Surge as an underrated Brawler in the current meta. He explains that Surge has received several buffs, including health buffs and improvements in the map pool. SpenLC showcases gameplay footage to demonstrate Surge’s effectiveness in carrying matches.

Gus: The Forgotten Brawler

Gus is another Brawler that SpenLC believes is underrated. He mentions that Gus received a buff to his super, adding a knockback effect. SpenLC emphasizes Gus’s strength in knockout Bounty matches and praises his high HP for a sniper Brawler.

Rosa: The Sleeper Brawler

SpenLC discusses Rosa as an underrated Brawler in the current meta. He points out that Rosa received a small buff to her hyper charge rate, and the map pool has favored her playstyle. SpenLC highlights Rosa’s matchups and synergy with other Brawlers as key factors in her effectiveness.

Griff: The Overrated Brawler

SpenLC shifts gears to discuss overrated Brawlers, starting with Griff. He acknowledges that Griff is not a bad Brawler but believes there are better options available. SpenLC mentions the Nerf to Griff’s super charge rate, which affected his overall performance. He also notes that Griff’s primary role in competitive play is to counter cheesy strategies.

Leon: The Former Best Brawler

SpenLC states that Leon, once considered one of the best Brawlers in the game, is now overrated. He explains that Leon received Nerfs to his damage at maximum range and his super charge rate, making it harder for him to compete against skilled opponents. SpenLC emphasizes the importance of getting value out of Leon’s first super to make an impact in the game.

BB: The Limited Brawler

SpenLC wraps up the video by discussing BB as an overrated Brawler. He clarifies that BB is not a terrible Brawler but points out that she is often picked in unfavorable scenarios. SpenLC mentions BB’s limited range and numerous tank counters as reasons why other Brawlers may be better choices. He highlights the importance of picking BB strategically in maps with grass or walls.