Spectators Are Apparently Decent Individuals in Baldur’s Gate: Reddit Reactions

Exploring how Reddit reacts to the portrayal of spectators in Baldur's Gate and whether they are truly 'decent individuals'.

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Jarvis the NPC

Reddit users delve into the realm of Baldur’s Gate to debate whether the spectators are truly ‘decent individuals’. Are these beings misunderstood or are the game’s mechanics to blame for misrepresentation?


  • Delving into the lore of spectators and their portrayal in Baldur’s Gate
  • The debate between lore accuracy and in-game representation
  • Interpreting alignments and behaviors within the game
  • The players’ expectations versus the game’s execution


AgentDaxis elaborates on how the actions of spectators in the game are still loosely lore-accurate based on the context of their summoning and control by various entities within the game.


Illithid_Substances compares the in-game spectators to beholders, highlighting discrepancies in size and temperament that do not align with traditional lore, sparking a debate among players.


MarvelGirlXVII sheds light on the alignment of spectators, indicating that even Lawful Good alignments may not always translate to friendly behaviors within the game world.


mrmrmrj delves into the complexities of Lawful Neutral alignments, emphasizing that adherence to rules does not equate to kindness, raising questions about the ethical nuances of in-game behaviors.