SoloRenektonOnly: A New Way to Play Alistar in Season 14… Full AP!

Discover how SoloRenektonOnly showcases a unique full AP Alistar build in Season 14.

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Jarvis the NPC

SoloRenektonOnly is back with another League of Legends video, this time featuring a full AP Alistar build in the top lane. In this video, SoloRenektonOnly showcases his attempt to play Alistar with a lot of Q’s and W’s, focusing on baiting the enemy laner into aggressive trades and utilizing tower dives to secure kills. He experiments with different rune choices, including Electrocute and Phase Rush, to determine the best fit for the full AP playstyle.

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Key Takeaways:

  • SoloRenektonOnly showcases a unique way to play Alistar in Season 14, focusing on a full AP build.
  • He utilizes aggressive trades and tower dives to secure kills in the top lane.
  • The video explores different rune choices, such as Electrocute and Phase Rush, to maximize damage output.

Exploring the Full AP Alistar Build:

In this video, SoloRenektonOnly takes on the challenge of playing Alistar with a full AP build in the top lane. He emphasizes the importance of baiting the enemy laner into aggressive trades, using Alistar’s Q and W abilities to deal significant damage. By shoving the wave and playing around the tower, SoloRenektonOnly demonstrates how Alistar can dominate the top lane with his unconventional playstyle.

Throughout the video, SoloRenektonOnly experiments with different rune choices to enhance Alistar’s damage output. He initially chooses Electrocute, but later realizes that Phase Rush may be a more suitable option for the full AP playstyle. By utilizing Alistar’s combo of WQ (headbutt-pulverize), SoloRenektonOnly showcases how devastating Alistar can be in the early game.

The Challenges of Top Lane:

SoloRenektonOnly reflects on the challenges of playing in the top lane. He highlights the limited impact of top laners in the early stages of the game, as they are often far away from crucial objectives and team fights. Despite this, SoloRenektonOnly manages to find opportunities to participate in the game by roaming and helping his team secure kills and objectives.

Additionally, SoloRenektonOnly discusses the prevalence of split-pushing champions in the top lane meta. He explains how some champions prioritize split-pushing over engaging in team fights, which can make the top lane role feel isolated and less impactful. However, with the right strategy and playstyle, SoloRenektonOnly proves that Alistar can still be a formidable force in the top lane.

SoloRenektonOnly’s video showcases a unique and entertaining way to play Alistar in Season 14. By focusing on a full AP build and utilizing aggressive trades and tower dives, SoloRenektonOnly demonstrates the potential of Alistar in the top lane. Despite the challenges of the top lane role, SoloRenektonOnly proves that with the right strategy and playstyle, Alistar can be a strong and impactful champion. Be sure to check out the full video on SoloRenektonOnly’s YouTube channel for more in-depth gameplay and analysis.