Smite: The Call for Permanent 4v4 and the Longing for Siege

The Smite community is buzzing with requests for a permanent 4v4 mode and a comeback of the beloved Siege map.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Smite subreddit is abuzz with the discussion of bringing back a permanent 4v4 mode and reintroducing the popular Siege map. The community has been longing for a change and expressing their desires through a myriad of posts and comments. Let’s dive into what the players have to say on this ‘HUGE’ topic.


  • Players are expressing their deep desire for a permanent 4v4 mode in Smite.
  • The community misses the jungle layout of Siege and wishes for its return.
  • Some players suggest having multiple new modes to cater to different team sizes.

The Call for Permanent 4v4:

Many players are voicing their longing for a permanent 4v4 mode in Smite. User KingQuackster sums it up by saying, “Still miss Siege’s jungle, but please god I need permanent 4v4 so badly.” Rainbowzombies7 suggests having one game mode for each team size, saying, “Just give us 1 game mode each for 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 and 5v5 and I’ll be happy.” Fit-Variation-4731 simply exclaims, “YESSSS 4V4 LETS GOOO.”

The Yearning for Siege’s Return:

The nostalgia for the Siege map runs deep among the Smite community. Erickkach reminisces about the previous version of Siege, saying, “BRING BACK 4V4 WITH A DENSE JUNGLE LIKE SIEGE! WE NEED SIEGE UNREAL 5!! The sun beams illuminating through the canopy would be epic. Also adding darker areas would be cool.” OhYaTy suggests that the slash map should have been 4v4 from the start, stating, “I think the slash map should have been 4v4 from the start why have 3 5v5 modes… With slash being 4v4 and joust 3v3, that covers all the bases.” SalamanderSafe2962 agrees and proposes a reworked version of Siege, saying, “Honestly just bring back siege but reworked. I’d also love to see a 2v2 map, that would be way more interesting than another slash in my opinion.”

A Plea for Multiple New Modes:

Some players suggest having more variety in game modes to accommodate different team sizes. Masterofbadwords suggests bringing back Siege but also having a 4v4 mode, stating simply, “Just bring back siege..?” Kanashi_00 echoes this sentiment, saying, “I need 4v4 back so badly, gimme siege I also take this… whatever. Just gib 4v4.” Croatian321 proposes having both a 5v5 and a 4v4 map, saying, “What if they made TWO maps, one 5v5 and one 4v4, both with two lanes and a small jungle? That would be CRAZY! God I miss clash.”

However, not everyone is on board with the idea of focusing on lower player count modes. Karuthebear expresses concern about further limiting players from joining, saying, “As someone with a large group of fans, further limiting people from joining just feels bad.” Sherg_7 hopes that the potential 4v4 mode doesn’t suffer the same fate as Siege, which had a low player base due to 4-man premades taking over the mode.

The desire for a permanent 4v4 mode in Smite and the longing for the return of the beloved Siege map are evident in the passionate posts and comments of the subreddit. The community is eager for a change that will bring back the thrill and excitement of previous game modes. Hi-Rez Studios now has the challenge of finding a balance that caters to different team sizes and satisfies the diverse player base.