Smite Patch 11.4 Bonus Update Recap: Community Reactions

Discover how Smite players are reacting to the latest patch update and its impact on the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are buzzing with reactions to the recent patch update. From changes to item nerfs, the community has a lot to say.


  • Some players feel the AMC nerf was uncalled for
  • The Hydras nerf is particularly contentious
  • Questions on timing and live updates are prevalent
  • Technical issues like mouse lag and game menu interactions are also discussed
  • AMC Nerf

    Several players expressed dissatisfaction with the nerf to AMC, feeling it was unnecessary and harsh. They believe AMC did not need further adjustments and are questioning the reasoning behind this decision.

    Hydras Nerf

    The nerf to Hydras has sparked strong reactions in the community. Many players are unhappy with the changes and are calling for a reversion to the previous stats. The sentiment is that such alterations disrupt gameplay and strategy.

    Live Updates

    Players are seeking clarity on the timing of live updates, with some expressing confusion about whether the changes have already been implemented. The uncertainty surrounding this issue has led to speculation and discussion among the community.

    Technical Issues

    A player highlighted technical issues related to mouse lag and game menu interactions post-update. This specific problem with gaming mice polling rates affecting gameplay exclusively in Smite has raised concerns and prompted others to share similar experiences.

    The community’s engagement with these topics reflects the passion and investment players have in the game, leading to diverse opinions and discussions.