Smite: Community Reacts to Stormseeker and Game Balance

The Smite community is divided over Stormseeker's impact on gameplay. Let's dive into the heated discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are venting their frustration about the recent changes to the game, particularly the introduction of Stormseeker, a controversial item that has sparked heated debates about balance and fairness. Here’s the gist of what’s going on:

by inSmite


  • Players are split on Stormseeker, with some calling it ‘the worst item in the game’ and others finding it situational
  • Many feel the game has shifted towards a ‘who can one shot who first’ meta
  • Some believe the balance changes have made matches too fast-paced and less enjoyable

Stormseeker: Love It or Hate It?

Opinions on Stormseeker are polarized, with some players denouncing it as a game-breaking item while others see it as a niche choice that can be effective in certain situations. One player describes it as ‘hot garbage,’ emphasizing the difficulty of stacking it in a standard game

Meta Shift

Several users point out that the game’s balance changes have shifted the meta towards a more aggressive playstyle, leading to quicker matches and a focus on burst damage over sustained combat. This shift has divided the player base, with some enjoying the faster pace while others yearn for the strategic depth of previous versions

Community Suggestions

Amidst the heated discussions, some players offer suggestions for addressing the balance issues, proposing ideas such as making every item ‘OP’ to level the playing field and inject more fun into the game