Smite: 5 Things You Must Know Before Playing Smite 2!

Discover crucial revelations about Smite 2 that will prepare you for the ultimate gaming experience!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to dive into the world of Smite? Stay ahead of the game with these essential tips before playing Smite 2!


  • Unravel the mysteries of Neith’s revamped abilities and gameplay mechanics.
  • Explore the impact of core cooldown item changes on gameplay dynamics.
  • Discuss the community’s concerns about solo lane balance and active item effects.

Neith’s Abilities Transformation

Neith’s abilities underwent a significant transformation, introducing new gameplay mechanics. Players noted that Neith now functions more like a mage, with adjustments to her abilities, including the creation and detonation of weaves.

Core Cooldown Item Changes

The fundamental math of cooldowns in Smite 2 has been reworked, with core cooldown items like Hydras seeing adjustments. Some players observed potential nerfs and changes to familiar items, raising questions about strategic shifts in item builds.

Solo Lane Balancing Concerns

Community feedback highlighted concerns about solo lane balancing, particularly with the introduction of the New Blue buff. Players expressed frustration over the buff’s impact on gameplay dynamics, emphasizing the need to maintain a fun and engaging solo lane experience.

Amidst discussions of Neith’s abilities, item changes, and solo lane balancing, the Smite community remains engaged and eager for the upcoming release of Smite 2. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as the gaming landscape continues to evolve!