Smite 2 Role Queue: The Great Debate Among Players

Smite 2 players are divided over the idea of implementing a role queue system - will it revolutionize the game or create more issues?

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite 2 players are engaged in a heated discussion on the potential implementation of a role queue system. HiRezRabbit, a prominent figure in the community, shared insights on the current state of role assignment in the game.


  • Players express concerns over the impact of Role Queue on queue times and gameplay dynamics.
  • Diverse opinions on the necessity and feasibility of Role Queue in Smite 2.
  • Issues with role diversity and player preferences highlighted by community members.

Role Queue Dynamics

HiRezRabbit addressed the community’s concerns about the potential pitfalls of implementing Role Queue in Smite 2, emphasizing the delicate balance required for a successful matchmaking system.

Player Perspectives

RabbitManTony pointed out the lack of diversity in support roles, highlighting player dissatisfaction with certain role offerings in Smite.

Queue Time Concerns

NHShardz shared thoughts on the excessive queue times players may face with a role queue system, particularly in casual matches.

Role Preference System

dendendenjikun advocated for a role preference system over a strict role queue, emphasizing flexibility in role selection.

CastleImpenetrable raised concerns about the practicality of role queues, citing player behavior and the potential impact on gameplay experience.

The Smite 2 community remains divided on the implementation of Role Queue, with varying opinions on its potential benefits and drawbacks. While some players advocate for a structured system to ensure role preferences, others express concerns about increased queue times and gameplay dynamics. As HiRezRabbit continues to evaluate options for role assignment in Smite 2, the community eagerly awaits updates on the future of matchmaking in the game.