Smite 2 Feedback: Community Sentiments and Concept Ideas

Community feedback on Smite 2 highlights concerns with gameplay dynamics and cosmetic systems.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite 2 has been the center of attention in the gaming community lately, with players diving deep into the alpha experience and sharing their feedback on various platforms. One post on Reddit by user SneakiestCris has gathered a significant amount of attention, sparking discussions on gameplay mechanics and cosmetic systems for the upcoming title.


  • Players express concerns about the relevance of defensive items in Smite 2.
  • Feedback suggests the need to balance time-to-kill elements and crowd control dynamics.
  • Community members propose changes to relic systems and enhancements to the cosmetic Colorforge feature.

Tanks and Defensive Items

Many players resonate with the sentiment that tanks and defensive items feel lackluster in Smite 2. The gameplay experience leans more towards building bruiser or full damage due to the perceived inefficacy of defensive options. The alpha environment prompts players to reconsider their itemization strategies, favoring offensive builds over traditional tank setups.

Time-to-Kill Dynamics

The swift pace of combat in Smite 2 raises concerns about the time-to-kill metrics. With an abundance of crowd control abilities dictating engagement outcomes, matches often revolve around who can initiate their CC abilities first. This dynamic shifts the focus towards precise execution of control effects rather than strategic positioning and sustained engagements.

Relics and Gameplay Variation

Conceptual suggestions regarding relic systems aim to diversify gameplay approaches in Smite 2. Proposals advocate for a relic selection mechanic at the start of each match, offering players distinct playstyle choices throughout the game. This concept draws parallels to talent systems seen in other Hi-Rez titles, emphasizing player agency and customization in ability selections.

Cosmetic Enhancements and Colorforge

The discussion extends to cosmetic improvements, with players highlighting discrepancies in the visual presentation of god images and skins. A focus on enhancing the Colorforge feature emerges, with ideas revolving around expanding color options for skins and streamlining the selection process. The community emphasizes the desire for personalized expression through skin customization and artistic refinement.

The Smite 2 community remains engaged in shaping the future of the game, blending critical evaluations with creative ideas for enhancing the player experience. The dynamic dialogue on gameplay mechanics and cosmetic intricacies reflects a dedicated player base invested in the evolution of the franchise.