Smite 2: Favorite Gods Wishlist and Community Hopes Revealed

Discover which gods the Smite community is most excited to see in Smite 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

SpeedyEuro initiated a discussion on Reddit about the favorite gods for each role and which ones the community would love to see in Smite 2.


  • Community eager for Cthulhu’s arrival in Smite 2
  • Diverse wishlist includes Sylvanus, Geb, Gilgamesh, and Tiamat
  • Players express mixed emotions towards current god releases
  • Hopes for more balanced roles and god kits moving forward
  • Waiting for Cthulhu’s Epic Entrance

    Players are anxiously anticipating the arrival of Cthulhu in Smite 2, especially excited about the potential of his ultimate in UE5 graphics.

    Community Wishlist: Sylvanus, Geb, and More

    Many users shared their wishlist, including favorites such as Sylvanus, Geb, Gilgamesh, and Tiamat for Smite 2’s god roster.

    Mixed Reactions to Current Gods

    Some players voiced disappointment in the absence of certain gods in Smite 2 alpha, like Ra, while others shared their satisfaction with already present gods like Bellona and Zeus.

    Balanced Roles and Kits Moving Forward

    Community hopes for more balanced roles and kits in the future, especially in aligning gods with their optimal positions like Tsukuyomi for Mid and Morrigan for Jungle.