Smite 2 Alpha Test Week 1: Dev Feedback and Bug Reports

Check out what Smite 2 players are saying about the Alpha Test Week 1 with their feedback and bug reports!

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite 2 Founder’s Alpha Test is in full swing, and players are diving into the new features and gameplay of the game. From bug reports to gameplay feedback, the subreddit is buzzing with activity as players share their experiences.


  • Players are enjoying the new gods and items introduced in the Alpha Test.
  • Bugs related to abilities, skins, and gameplay mechanics are being reported.
  • Feedback on graphics, animations, and overall gameplay experience is mixed.

Bug Reports and Feedback

One player noted that Chaac’s moan is missing on all skins, adding a humorous touch to the bug report section. Another player mentioned the need for a K screen like the previous version and not being a fan of all abilities being on instant cast. They preferred having the targetter on some abilities.

Amidst graphics concerns, a player expressed confidence in the development team, stating that the visuals are a work in progress and should meet modern standards at launch. However, various users reported graphical glitches, such as minions getting stuck in terrain and broken graphical elements during gameplay.

Gameplay issues also surfaced, with players reporting crashes, broken abilities, and inconsistent mechanics like VGS commands not functioning correctly, auto-run glitches, and issues with auto-build feature deviations.

Players also highlighted specific god and skin issues, such as missing abilities, glitches with specific abilities, invisible enemies, and inconsistent performances on different consoles, including FPS drops and blurry visuals.

One player shared detailed feedback after two matches, pointing out glitches with specific skills for Zeus and Bellona, as well as gameplay concerns regarding late-game strategies feeling stale and the need for clearer item progression indicators.

The community engagement was evident as players actively shared their issues and experiences while acknowledging the game’s alpha testing status. Despite encountering bugs and performance issues, players remained optimistic about the game’s potential and continued to provide constructive feedback to improve the overall experience.