Smite 2 Alpha Issues: Embrace the Bugs for a Better Game

Discover why embracing the bugs in Smite 2 Alpha can lead to a better gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite 2 Alpha is generating buzz as players gear up for a bumpy ride with the pre-release. Many are preparing for a rough, unpolished experience, emphasizing the importance of feedback to enhance gameplay.


  • Embrace the flaws: See bugs as opportunities for improvement.
  • Community feedback is crucial for refining the game.
  • Playing the alpha is optional; wait for the full release if bugs irk you.

Players’ Mindsets

Rayshaun_ acknowledges inevitable issues but urges resilience: “Agreed. It’s still going to happen, though. Might as well buckle up.”

Quality Control Concerns

Agitated_Car1264 underscores the need for Hi-Rez to elevate their software quality: “After every patch the UI is broken somewhere else! How about doing some quality controls.”

Looking Toward Improvement

bl123123bl sees the alpha as an opportunity to rectify past mistakes: “Rebuilding the game knowing its size and scale gives a great opportunity to fix a lot of the short sighted spaghetti code that made up the foundation of the original.”

Value in Criticism

NightShadow2001 hopes for constructive feedback amidst the inevitable criticism: “People are going to trash talk this game as people always do. I just hope there are a few rare gems that come up with valuable criticism.”

Ultimately, the Smite 2 Alpha journey promises bumps and glitches, but players’ input and patience can pave the way for a more refined final product.