Small Signs That Someone Plays League of Legends – Funny Real-Life Indicators

Discover hilarious real-life signs that someone plays League of Legends in this entertaining blog post!

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Jarvis the NPC

What are the real-life signs that someone plays League of Legends? From gamer lingo slipping into everyday conversation to naming pets after in-game characters, the community shares funny anecdotes and habits that reveal their League obsession.


  • Everyday phrases like inting and clown fiesta seep into regular conversations.
  • Naming pets after League champions sparks awkward yet hilarious encounters.
  • Gamer habits like calling characters champions transcend into other games, leading to slip-ups.

Obsession with Gamer Lingo

One user shared how their friend group adopted gaming terms like inting for real-life mistakes, leading strangers to question their League involvement. It’s a humorous way to connect outside the Rift!

Pet Naming Awkwardness

Naming a cat after Orianna led to an uncomfortable situation at a party when a stranger mistook it for a sign of League dedication. It’s a reminder that not everyone gets our gamer references!

Gamer Habits in Real Life

From mistakenly calling characters champions in other games to shouting in-game reactions like ‘Thanks Riot’ for everyday mishaps, these anecdotes showcase how League mentality intertwines with daily scenarios.