Skull and Bones: Which Repair Kit Do You Use?

Discover what repair kits Skull and Bones players prefer and why in this Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a highly anticipated pirate-themed video game that allows players to steer their own ships, engage in naval combat, and explore a vast open world. In this Reddit post by user Brotherman749, players discuss which repair kit they use in the game and the reasoning behind their choices.


  • User Brotherman749 prefers regular repair kit 2 due to its balanced repair rate and reasonable cooldown. They mention selling rum and opium to improve their financial situation.
  • User Kivith suggests using repair kit 2 for a mid-fight repair that restores most of the hull and has a short cooldown of only a minute.
  • User psiHawk-ttv primarily uses repair kit 1 but forgets about their upgraded option, which still works well enough for them.
  • User MysticRain1983 selects their repair kit based on the amount of healing required and the remaining duration of the fight, using repair kit 1 most of the time and resorting to repair kit 3 when their ship is near death.

Preference for Repair Kits:

Many players in the subreddit seem to favor repair kit 2, as it strikes a good balance between repairing the ship and having a reasonable cooldown. Some players opt for repair kit 1 as it is usually sufficient for their needs, while others reserve repair kit 3 for dire situations when the ship is on the brink of destruction.

Factors Considered:

The choice of repair kit seems to depend on factors such as the ship’s current health, the duration of the fight, and the player’s personal playstyle. Repair kit 2 appears to be a popular option for its effectiveness and quick cooldown, making it ideal for mid-fight repairs. Meanwhile, some players prefer the reliability of repair kit 1, even when they have access to an upgraded option. Repair kit 3 is reserved for emergencies when the ship is in critical condition, offering a substantial amount of healing to keep it afloat.

Skull and Bones players have diverse perspectives on repair kits, each with their own preferred strategies and reasons. Whether it’s finding the right balance between repair rate and cooldown, utilizing the upgraded repair kit, or tailoring the choice based on the ship’s health and the intensity of the battle, players have a range of options to suit their individual needs.